Learn more about what we do

Operation Santa Claus - What We Do

Who do we help?

Our program works with the state Department of Health and Human Services to identify children in need of help. In this way, DHHS serves as the intake organization, which means we can only help children who have received state services. We help children in every part of New Hampshire – around 3,000 each year.

How does it work?

DHHS staff provide case sheets with some basic information and gift suggestions, and Operation Santa Claus volunteers organize these case sheets and distribute them to sponsors. The sponsors then shop for the gifts and bring them to a designated drop-off location – the locations include a central hub in Concord and DHHS district offices around the state. When all the gifts are in and accounted for in Concord, volunteers from the National Guard load up their trucks and deliver the packages to DHHS district offices. From there, the caseworkers who started the process get the gifts to families.

Who are our volunteers?

All are welcome to help! For the most part, the volunteer work is done by SEA/SEIU Local 1984 members, but you can get involved by contacting us to volunteer.

Who are our sponsors?

o State, municipal, county workers
o NH businesses and schools
o Recreational clubs
o Community groups

How can you help sponsor a child or children?

o Fundraise at work to sponsor multiple children
o Make a monetary donation
o Donate goods and services to OSC for fundraising
o Invite OSC to your workplace or community group.
o Be part of the planning!

Letter from our Chair
Please Sponsor!
Please Make a Donation!
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